How To Move A 60 Gallon Air Compressor (A Step-by-Step Guide)

How To Move A 60 Gallon Air Compressor (A Step-by-Step Guide)

Moving a 60-gallon air compressor can be a challenging task, especially if you don't have the right tools or know-how as these compressors are heavy, bulky, and require special handling to prevent damage or accidents.

Whether you're moving your air compressor to a new location or just repositioning it in your workshop it's important to follow a few essential steps to ensure a successful move. In this article, I will explain how you can move a 60-gallon air compressor including the tools you'll need so without any further ado let's take a look at it.

Tools That You Will Need For This Job:

Before you start moving your air compressor, you'll need to gather the following tools:

  • Heavy-duty dolly or cart rated for your compressor's weight
  • Heavy-duty straps or chains to secure the compressor to the dolly or cart
  • Either hire a professional or a pickup truck/trailer for it
  • Socket set or wrench to disconnect the compressor from its power source and any airlines
  • Tape measure to ensure the compressor will fit through any narrow spaces
  • Step 1: Prepare the Compressor for Move:

    The first step in moving your air compressor is to prepare it for the move and this involves several substeps:

    Disconnect The Power:

    Unplug the compressor from the wall outlet or turn off the circuit breaker that controls its power supply and if your compressor is hard-wired you'll need to turn off the power at the main breaker.

    Disconnect The Air Lines:

    Use a socket set or wrench to loosen the fittings that connect the air hoses to the compressor and make sure to release any pressure in the lines before you disconnect them to avoid injury.

    Drain The Air Tank:

    If your compressor has an air tank,drain off any remaining air using the valve at the bottom of the tank.

    Step 2: Secure the Compressor to the Dolly or Cart:

    Once you've prepared the compressor for the move it's time to secure it to the dolly or cart. This step involves several substeps:

    Attach The Straps Or Chains:

    Use heavy-duty straps or chains to secure the compressor in place making sure that it is balanced as well as stable.

    Position The Compressor:

    If you're using a dolly, position the compressor on the dolly so that the weight is evenly distributed and if you're using a cart, make sure that the cart is rated for the weight of your compressor and that the wheels are in good condition.

    Step 3: Move The Compressor:

    With the compressor securely attached to the dolly or cart, you're ready to move it to its new location, and below are some things to look out for.

    Check For Obstacles:

    Use the tape measure to ensure that the compressor will fit through any doorways or other narrow spaces on the way to its destination.

    Take Extra Care On Stairs:

    If you're moving the compressor up or down stairs take extra care to ensure that it is stable as well as balanced. Use ramps or other equipment to make the move easier and safer.

    Consider Using A Trailer Or Pickup Truck:

    If you're moving the compressor over a longer distance then you may want to consider using a trailer or pickup truck. Make sure that the vehicle is rated for the weight of your compressor and that it is secured properly during transport.

    In addition to using a trailer or pickup truck to move your air compressor, there are other options available as some people prefer to use a forklift or pallet jack to move their compressor, especially if it needs to be moved vertically.

    However, these options require special equipment as well as expertise so it's important to make sure you have the right tools and know-how before attempting to move your compressor in this way.

    Hire Professionals:

    If you're not comfortable moving the compressor yourself or if you don't have the necessary equipment you can also hire professional movers to do the job for you.

    If you decide to hire professionals to move your compressor then make sure to choose a reputable moving company with experience handling heavy equipment. Look for reviews and recommendations from other customers to ensure that you're working with a company that will take good care of your compressor during the move.

    It's also important to make sure that your compressor is properly packed and prepared for transport.

    This may involve wrapping it in protective materials such as blankets or bubble wrap to prevent scratches or other damage during the move. Make sure that any loose parts or accessories are securely packed and that the compressor is properly balanced and stable.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

    How Much Does A 60 Gallon Air Compressor Weigh?

    The weight of a 60-gallon air compressor can vary depending on the model and manufacturer. Generally, a 60 gallon compressor will weigh between 200 and 400 pounds.

    Can I Move A 60 Gallon Air Compressor By Myself?

    It is not recommended to move a 60-gallon air compressor by yourself as these compressors are heavy and can be difficult to maneuver, especially up or down stairs.

    It's best to have at least one other person to help you move the compressor safely.

    Do I Need To Drain The Air Tank Before Moving My Compressor?

    It is a good idea to drain the air tank before moving your compressor.

    Can I Use A Regular Dolly To Move My Compressor?

    No, you should not use a regular dolly to move a big air compressor as these compressors are heavy and require a heavy-duty dolly or cart that is rated for their weight.

    How Should I Store My Compressor After Moving It?

    After moving your compressor, store it in a dry as well as in a ventilated area away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures.

    Make sure that the compressor is level and stable to prevent any damage or accidents.


    Moving a 60-gallon air compressor can be a daunting task but with the right tools and knowledge, it can be done safely and efficiently. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can move your compressor to a new location or reposition it in your workshop with confidence.

    Remember to use a heavy-duty dolly or cart, secure the compressor with heavy-duty straps or chains, and check for obstacles along the way. If you're moving the compressor over a longer distance consider using a trailer or pickup truck or hire professionals to handle the move for you.

    By taking the necessary precautions and following proper safety guidelines you can ensure a successful move for your air compressor. If you find this article helpful then kindly share it with others and have a nice day.

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